Parish of Westshore
Who we are
Westshore is a suburban local shared ministry parish led by an enthusiastic team of clergy and lay people. The worship is NZ Prayer Book, but with creative embellishments.The hall is a beautifully restored historic church, and the op shop is a focus for the local community.
Ethos: St Andrew’s offers worship and loving service as we seek to walk with Christ in our community. Friendly and welcoming. All cultures welcome. Appropriate use of Te Reo Maori in services.
Children: Welcome. Supervised children’s activity space in church during worship. A children's address whenever children are present.
Social: Morning tea after services; Women’s Fellowship; Maundy Thurs meal.
Training: Weekly bible Study and friendship 9Monday afternoons; Lenten studies; lay input to worship encouraged.
Outreach: Bi-monthly magazine; weekly drop-in group; op shop; supports CCL and Anglican Care; RE in country school; income from Op Shop and local trust enables the parish to offer significant financial support to a number of local and national charities.
Highlights: Welcoming new people; Anzac service; Maundy Thurs meal; Christmas (including nativity play), Pentecost, and other festivals.
Musical Concerts: The Church has very good acoustics and is suitable as a concert venue for audiences up to 90 people. Please contact the Administrator for further details
Connecting with Us
110 Charles St,
Westshore, Napier
Worship Time