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Vicar General Announcement

The Right Reverend Bishop Andrew Hedge recently received the resignation and retirement of The Rev’d Jenny Chalmers as Vicar General. Jenny has served in Waiapu as Vicar General since 2018 initially while serving as Vicar of Taupō before moving to Napier in 2021 and continuing the role alongside ministry at the Cathedral and then in semi-retirement over the past year or so. Jenny has brought many good gifts to this role, faithfully over the past six years, for which Bishop Andrew is grateful.

Bishop Andrew is pleased to announce the appointment of The Rev’d Robert Kereopa as Vicar General. Robert currently serves as Vicar of Taupō in the heartland of his whakapapa Ngati Tuwharetoa, Te Arawa and Tainui. Among many parts of an active life Robert is currently completing his Doctoral studies exploring the stories of the Māori saints and bearers of the gospel. Robert will continue his full-time role as Vicar of the Parish of Taupō as the role of Vicar General will revert to the traditional role including membership of Standing Committee and representing the Bishop when he is unavailable or outside of the Diocese. Bishop Andrew thanks Robert for his commitment to this role and looks forward to acknowledging him in this role at our Synod later this year.



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