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Update from Standing Committee Meeting February 2024

Bishop’s Report

Bishop Andrew Hedge paid tribute to several members of clergy in the wider church who had died over the past few months and made special mention of Bishop Muru Walters who passed away on 14 February.  Bishop Muru was the first Pīhopa (bishop) of Te Pīhopatanga o Te Upoko o Te Ika from 7 March 1992 until his retirement in 2018. He was a talented rugby player, representing New Zealand Māori, a former lecturer at St John’s Theological College, author, master carver, broadcaster, and artist.


Royal Commission of Inquiry

The Royal Commission of Inquiry has accepted feedback on the draft Royal Commission Report from Bishop Andrew Hedge and has updated its report accordingly. The final report is due for release in June this year.


Diocese Strategy Planning

An update on the Strategy Working Group's activities was given, noting the group had met for two days to further refine the content of the strategy including refinements to the vision and the desired outcomes for the next 5-10 years. An updated version of the strategy will be circulated to the Standing Committee before its next meeting. 


Koru Ministry Report

An update on the activities of the Koru Ministry was given. The activities mainly centred on organising cluster meetings in late February; conducting a survey of the Diocese to obtain views on children and families ministry; discussions with Anglican Care Waiapu ECE Manager regarding resourcing and curriculum; engaging with every parish in the Diocese and undertaking visits in late February; and arranging a training conference, possibly scheduled in October 2024.


New Dates for Synod

The meeting dates for Synod have been changed from the weekend of 11-13 October to 18-20 October 2024. The meeting will be held in Gisborne. Official notification of the Synod dates and venue will be sent out shortly. Attendees are recommended to book accommodation as soon as possible.


St John’s Theological College

Dr Emily Colgan has resigned her position as Principal of St John’s Theological College and The Venerable Dr Hirini Kaa has been appointed to the role.



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