From the Bay of Plenty this week
This week I’ve been on the road in the Bay of Plenty with Colleen and Graeme visiting a variety of parishes and I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to share in three services for Ash Wednesday in different places.
On Sunday I was with the Rev’d Linda King on Sunday in the Parish of Whakatāne to acknowledge Linda’s ministry following the announcement of her retirement. The parish were in good heart and it was encouraging to see first-hand some of the recent development work that has been done on parish buildings.
On Sunday afternoon we gathered with the Vicars and Priests-in-charge of parishes across the Archdeaconry of Tauranga and Coast to share the news of the appointment of the Rev’d Peter Bargh as Archdeacon. You can read more about that Peter’s appointment below.
Throughout the remainder of the week, we have spent time with the Vestry members from the parishes of Mt Maunganui, Gate Pa and Te Puke to discuss our approach to the vacancies they currently hold. It was encouraging to see and hear that despite the financial difficulties which restrict the ability of these parishes to sustain any full-time stipend, that there is good energy about parish life and for looking for creative alternatives for ministry. Graeme and Colleen will be working with these parishes over the next 3-6 months to assist their consideration of alternatives and planning for the future.
Today we have been visiting Te Manawa o Te Wheke in Rotorua on our way back to Hawke’s Bay. We’ve spent time with Pihopa Ngarahu, Rev’ds Bettina Maxwell and Wiremu Anania as we continue to build on the relationships we share and the ways that we can support mission and ministry across the Amorangi and Diocese.
Changes in roles to serve the Strategic Plan
As we build our capacity to deliver on the implementation of the strategic plan, I'm pleased to announce the following appointments:
Last week we met with the Vestry of the Parish of Taradale to confirm the designation of the parish as the first Resourcing Parish for the Diocese from 1 April 2025. The Parish of Taradale will pilot a resourcing parish model, exploring how a strong parish can relationally support other local parishes in ministry and mission. This initiative reflects our vision for mutual support and sustainable ministry across the Diocese.
As part of this development I’ve appointed The Rev’d Alan Burnett, Vicar of Taradale Parish as the Archdeacon responsible for Hawke’s Bay Cities, and Hawke’s Bay Coast. In Alan’s role as Archdeacon for this area he will be implementing the model of how a resourcing parish can have a focus on building relationships with parishes in these archdeaconries and build communities of learning to help sustain and grow mission and ministry aligned with the strategic priorities. Alan is well known to us as a Diocese and brings a wealth of pastoral experience, theological reflection and a deep love for local parishes. He is deeply committed to discipleship, community engagement, mission and equipping leaders. He will be a significant asset as we build a strong, connected, and future-focused Diocese. As Archdeacon, Alan will provide pastoral care and strategic support for clergy and parishes across Hawke's Bay, fostering collaboration and strengthening local ministry. His involvement in ministry education will also allow him to contribute to the ongoing formation and resourcing of clergy and lay leaders, ensuring they are equipped for the challenges and demands of ministry and mission today. Please join me in welcoming him into these new roles and praying for him as he steps into this season of leadership and service.
As I mentioned above I’ve appointed the Reverend Peter Bargh has been appointed as the Archdeacon of Tauranga City and Coast. Peter brings a deep love for the church, a heart for pastoral care, and a strong commitment to equipping and supporting clergy in their vocation. With a wealth of experience in parish and provincial leadership and a passion for building vibrant faith communities, he is well-placed to offer guidance, encouragement, and strategic oversight in this important region. Peter will be on secondment one day a week from Kurahautū, the Archbishop’s Wayfinder Unit, where he contributes to innovative approaches in mission and ministry across the church. Peter’s deep connection with Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa enriches his leadership, and he brings a strong commitment to our Tikanga Rua relationships. I am grateful for the encouragement shown by Atipihopa Don in his support of this secondment for the next 12-18 months. As Archdeacon, Peter will support me and the Bishop’s Leadership Team in working closely with clergy and lay leaders to foster discipleship, strengthen church life, and ensure our parishes are well-supported in their ministry and mission. His leadership will be instrumental in helping us live out our diocesan vision of Faith Giving Life, rooted in the values of Hari (joy), Aroha (love), and Rongo (peace). This role will ensure our strategic vision is lived out in Tauranga and beyond. Please join us in welcoming Peter to this new role and praying for him as he steps into this season of service.
The Rev’d Dr Deborah Broome will have a change in role as part of the implementation of the strategic plan and re-focusing of the Ministry Educator’s role. The changes in role for Deborah will commence on 1 April 2025 and include a shift to half-time as Ministry Educator, quarter time as Priest-in-charge of the Parish of Central Hawke’s Bay, and quarter time at the Cathedral following Di’s resignation in May. I appreciate the support that Deborah has given to the Diocese over the past ten years and her enthusiasm for education for ministry, discernment and formation for ministry for lay and ordained in the Diocese. Deborah’s ministry has been present in some way in every part of the Diocese and also recognised through several educators’ forums around the church. The changes in Deborah’s Ministry Education role reflect the long-term move to refocusing that role into the ministry of the person leading the Resourcing Parishes. Deborah and Alan will work together during this season of change to keep the energy and delivery of education and formation active throughout the Diocese.
These appointments reflect our broader strategic vision to be a Diocese that honours our whakapapa and builds for the future in ministry and mission. Finally, from me this week a request for your continued prayerful support for The Rev’d Tim Delaney and his family. A memorial service for Margie Delaney was held at St John’s Church in Dannevirke last Friday morning and the support for Tim and his family and love and appreciation for Margie was clearly evident from all the members of the community and parish who joined us for the service.
I hope you can all appreciate and enjoy this season of Lent and the opportunity it provides us to focus on our need for repentance, renewal and grace.
