Happy New Year to you all.
I have, in the past week, sent an email to each parish email address seeking advice as to who might still require to attend the training on Safeguarding. As a reminder, the following groups of people should be attending:
Level One
Licensed Laity
Vestry/Parish Council
Readers/Welcomers/Morning tea providers
Choirs/Music Groups
Anyone from the Parish interested in attending
Level Two
Licensed Laity
Vestry/Parish Council
If anyone has a query about who in their parish has attended, please email, and I should be able to respond to your request.
As mentioned in my email, I will be setting up training again this year, but am thinking that this is not going to happen until after the AGM season so that we capture any new people coming on board.
Training is not likely to be held in every parish, but by region (or archdeaconry) as the numbers will likely not make a visit to each parish viable.
Penny Hales
Safeguarding & Risk Manager