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Safeguarding Update

Updated: Dec 13, 2023

Firstly a big thank you to all who have attending the Safeguarding Training over the last two months. It has been a pleasure to meet you all and to undergo this journey with you.  I have also appreciated all your feedback.  This feedback will continue to be instrumental in looking at our training and working out what can be improved and how.

While I recognise that some of our processes are not yet in place, one which is is the complaints process to the Ministry Standards.  A link to their website is set out below.  This website covers who you can make a complaint about to the Ministry Standards and also covers off how to make a complaint. All Parishes will also have posters outlining how to make these complaints.


For any other matters of concern or need for advice, please do not hesitate to contact me:  

Penny Hales

Safeguarding & Risk Manager

Ph 021 240 3402


Some of the information relating to Safeguarding is held on Te Puna/Waiapu’s Intranet for those of you who have access to this.  Within there is the:

  • Safeguarding Policy

  • Safeguarding Guidelines

  • Safeguarding Training Manual

I am really looking forward to visiting many more parishes in the new year and sharing the information on safeguarding that we have put together.


I hope you all have an wonderful Christmas and a fabulous New Year.

Nga mihi nui

Penny Hales


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