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Hawkes Bay Ministry Collective

A new initiative designed for those in active ministry across the Hawkes Bay, including Central and Southern Hawkes Bay, drawing together ministers and leaders from across our parishes and the other churches and movements of our region.

See the dates, outline of gatherings and the speakers that will be sharing with us over the coming year. This year focuses on understanding the cultural and spiritual context into which we have been called to proclaim the gospel. Our year will begin with Chris Clarke, CEO of Wilberforce Foundation, sharing about the Faith and Belief survey which captures the attitudes and opinion of New Zealanders toward faith, and then the Faith in Action report which explored how the church and its non-profits function within that context. From this first session, several speakers will share how we can help to form ourselves and our communities to be able to faithfully respond to this context as followers of Jesus, how the church has responded in the past, and how we as leaders can find sustenance in the journey.

Each session will run from 10:30am to 1:30pm, with lunch included as part of the gathering. The morning will begin with a session by the speaker, with a workshop and/or Q&A to follow lunch. There is a cost of $20 per person to cover some of the expenses involved in the gathering. If this prevents someone engaging, please contact and arrangements can be made.

The collective is open to all in active ministry, and to those who lead ministries in any church that may wish to attend.

For more information or to register for gatherings, please visit

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