Found amongst the archives is a series of photos showing the construction of the St John the Evangelist Cathedral, Napier dating from 12 October 1955 when the Foundation Stone was laid by the then Governor General Sir Willoughby Norrie and the service officiated by Archbishop N.A. Lesser until 1965.
The Cathedral was built as a replacement to the original cathedral destroyed in the 1931 earthquake. A temporary wooden church was erected on site until a permanent cathedral could be built. The wooden church was subsequently relocated to Wycliffe Street, Napier in July 1960 and used by the Presbyterian Church. The old wooden church is now occupied by the Napier Family Centre.
Eight cathedral bells were shipped from Britain and winched into position 150 feet at the top of the bell tower in March 1960. The Tait Fountain outside the Cathedral was constructed in August 1962.
